Are you ready for Spirit Week?

Homecoming pep assembly
The Homecoming pep assembly will take place in the afternoon on Friday, Sept. 30.

The theme for Homecoming 2022 is movies. The genres for each grade are:

Seniors – Horror
Juniors – Disney
Sophomores – Sci-Fi
Freshman – Action
8th Grade – comedy
7th Grade – Marvel
6th Grade – Loony Toons

Join in on the school spirit by dressing up. Spirit week dress up days are:

Monday (9/26) – Minion day (Staff is encouraged to dress like Gru)
Tuesday (9/27) – Dress as your theme day
Wednesday (9/28) – Raid your parents’ closet day
Thursday (9/29) – Movie premier day
Friday (9/30) – Blue & White day

Homecoming Court

King court

Kaden Hansel
Connor Knight
Sam Meyer
Evan Perreault
Sam Wiggs

Queen Court

Lucy Bunker
Ryan Clancy
Lauren Fenstermaker
Hayleigh Temple
Natalie Wandrie

Class representatives


Marrissa Kolly & Sam schoonmaker


Brooklynn LeBrecque & Chris Foldenauer


Mary Myshock & Andre Bradford